Shows & Tickets
The Literacy Project empowers students as thinkers, readers, writers, and creators within the engaging and stimulating context of attending a full season of plays at the Geffen Playhouse. Students develop confidence in their skills as artists and communicators through theater workshops and one-on-one coaching in essay writing. They broaden their understanding of the diversity of life by entering the "worlds" created by playwrights, directors, performers and designers at the Geffen Playhouse.
Students receive support from the UCLA California Reading and Literature Project (CRLP) in Center X Literacy Coaches as readers and writers and increase their capacity to generate and communicate their ideas through essay writing, using themes and topics from the plays.
Students also engage with Geffen Teaching Artists before and after student matinees, and culminate their learning in theater by writing and performing their own monologues and scenes. Teaching Artists use thought-provoking Study Guides that amplify themes and topics from the plays, help students explore elements of theater, and deepen their ability to experience and respond to the plays.
Students meet the Geffen Playhouse actors, directors, and other artists who have brought the show to life through post-show talkbacks. By asking questions and engaging in dialogue with the artists, students process their theatergoing experiences immediately after each show.
English Language Arts teachers build their capacity to incorporate theater arts into their instruction.
The Project supports increased graduation rates, participation in AP English classes, and attendance at 4-year colleges.
Learning and creating in theater, and advancing as thinkers and writers contributes to campus community and culture.
Support This Project
Brian Allman Director of Education & Community Engagement
"Lights Out: Nat King Cole" Student Matinee (2019)
2016 Literacy Project Coaching
2016 Literacy Project Planning
A season-long program of thought-provoking plays and theater workshops for high school students across Los Angeles.
Yearlong theatergoing and meaningful dialogue for community groups throughout Los Angeles.
A 10-week theater-making workshop for U.S. military veterans, culminating in a community performance.